Every time there is a crash in cryptocurrencies, the alarm bells ring out and panic often ensues.
People predict the end, see the bubble popping and sell off for a loss.

However, there is another way to look at it, and that is to see a significant drop as a buying opportunity and a chance to profit.
How to profit
There are a few ways to try and cash in on a sharp fall in price of cryptocurrencies. Some are more effective than others, and some more suitable for different types of crashes or currencies. It is up to the investor to decide.
There are five methods described below that can help turn a sickening crash into a chance to make more money than before.
A lot of these methods are well known, and almost cliched, but the real difficulty is not simply knowing them, it is being brave enough to enact them in the face of a collapsing market.
Read more: CoinTelegraph