Go to the SolarCoin website and download the SolarCoin Wallet – for most people it will be the link ‘Download SolarCoin Core 2.1.8 for Windows’. Once downloaded, run the installer.

Press Next to go through the various steps of the installation (accept the terms of the License Agreement, select the install folder, install elements, etc.) accepting the defaults. On completion it will run the SolarCoin Wallet (SolarCoin-qt.exe). Initially no wallet will be found so select No (to import a wallet) and it will create you a new, empty wallet.
As often with an install (at least on Windows) you may be asked about allowing access through your firewall. With Private Networks only selected, click on Allow Access.
At this point the SolarCoin Wallet will launch. The first thing it will need to do is synchronise to the SolarCoin blockchain.

That will take some time to complete (about an hour, depending on your system and Internet speeds). You will then need to enter a password or phrase to continue – for example, you can get a good 16 character password from Passwords Generator. Record the password, then enter it into the SolarCoin app. As it says, if you lose the password you will lose access to your coins.

Once entered, the app will restart and ask you enter the password/phrase. It will then open up on an Overview page showing your current balance – zero (‘Unconfirmed’) at this point. It will likely be continuing to synchronise at this point (showing ‘Syncing…’ in the bottom status bar) so just let it run.

When it is finished (it may only take a few minutes) the status bar will read ‘In Sync’.
Next: How to Claim SolarCoins
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