I recently attended a ‘Fast-track Forex Training Programme’ organised by Trendsignal Ltd. I have always been sceptical of Forex (‘foreign exchange’, i.e. currency) trading as a means to make money unless you’re a professional. However, a friend was already going along and there was an extra ticket so I thought I might as well give it a go.
My hope was that the day would give me useful information about trading techniques that I could apply to my cryptocurrency trading (most of which is currently done with a bot). In fact it was mostly about a particular software application called Trendsignal Plus that provides a range of indicators added to trading charts that are intended to help you know when to trade, i.e. to indicate when the market is just about to go up or down.

The agenda was as follows:
- Charting techniques
- Price patterns, trends and trade identification
- The best markets and timeframes to trade
- Effective use of trading platforms
- How to manage risk and target exponential returns
- Access to live trading workshops and introduction to the strategies used
- Other opportunities with TrendSignal
Notwithstanding the focus on the particular software package, I found the content very interesting – and I’m a bit less sceptical than before I went about using tools to give you an ‘edge’ when trading. I have also since attended some online webinars that go into the details of trading using chart indicators.
Overall my interest in manual trading with Bitcoin and other crypto coins has been rejuvenated. While I will continue to do automated trading with Gunbot I am now actively learning about and implementing indicators on my own trading charts and will soon be testing the results to see if there is money to be made in manual trading this way.
I’ll report back on my results here as usual.