In 10 years, the finite supply of Bitcoin (BTC) will be almost exhausted. This means that investors will only need 0.01 BTC to be among the top 13% in the world in the future.
While it may only cost $500 to buy 0.01 Bitcoin (BTC) today, current global wealth distribution trends and the inevitable realization of limited Bitcoin supplies could mean that 0.01 BTC will be worth $1 million future.
According to Credit Suisse’s Global Wealth Report 2020, there are 51.9 million people with a net worth of more than $1 million. The index considers a person’s net wealth, together with their financial and real estate assets, after deducting their debts and liabilities. Although they make up only 1% of the world’s population (excluding children), these millionaires own 43% of the world’s wealth.
According to Credit Suisse’s individual wealth breakdown, 175,700 people were worth more than $50 million. Of this elite circle, 55,800 owned at least $100 million, and 4,410 had over $500 million assets.
Bitcoin’s finite supply will reach 98% in 10 years.

As of 1 March, Bitcoin’s total supply consists of 18.64 million BTC, with 2.37 million coins still mined. In 10 years, the supply will reach 20.6 million, 98% of the 21 million coins in the total supply.
Subtracting the 1.9 million coins that have not been touched over a decade from the Bitcoin supply limit leaves a maximum limit of 19.2 million BTC for the world’s millionaires. Conclusively, this leaves 0.37 BTC per millionaire, including coins not yet mined, assuming that the Bitcoin supply is divided equally among said millionaires.
However, if every bitcoin that has remained unmoved for five or more years is lost, a maximum of 14.57 million BTC will be available for accumulation. In this scenario, each of the world’s millionaires could own only 0.28 BTC. Assuming the supply is evenly distributed.
In the future, the wealthy will fight over 0.01 BTC
In addition to certified millionaires, there are 590 million people whose net worth exceeds US$100,000. These people should not be disregarded as potential owners, even if their purchasing power is lower.
Assuming that the global wealth ratio shown in the chart above remains the same, millionaires represent 6.32 million BTC of the remaining Bitcoin supply, meaning that each individual would have the opportunity to buy just 0.12 BTC.
The remaining 590 million individuals currently worth $100,000 or more could effectively hold another 5.9 million BTC, resulting in just 0.01 BTC per adult. Note, of course, that the likelihood of more Bitcoins being lost forever over the next 10 years is quite high.
In summary, buying 0.01 BTC, which at current prices equates to an investment of around $500, can secure one a top 13% position in the world. If you compare the fiat and bitcoin markets’ relative wealth concentration, being among the top 13% of BTC holders is as exclusive as being a fiat millionaire.
Read more: Medium