There seem to be a lot of airdrops going on around now, so here’s my take on which ones are worth getting. My primary references for upcoming airdrops are BitcoinTalk and AirdropAlert.
If you do decide to join any, I’ve given a rundown of the basic process on my Airdrops page.

The following are the main Active Airdrops as listed on AirdropAlert (though they changed around even as this was being written):
Spectre (BT): Fairly popular (BT is up to 24 pages). No exchange or Whitepaper. Easy to register. Result: Tried to register, 1st airdrop complete, 2nd not yet open.
Etrust fund (BT): The coin supply is so large (1 trillion) I just can’t see this having any meaningful value. No exchanges listed or pending, no Whitepaper. Result: No action.
420 Tokes: Airdrop closed.
Copy Trader (BT): Has website and Whitepaper but no exchanges. You need to join their Telegram to comply. Result: No action.
Greenbit (BT): Not very popular (17 pages). No exchange or Whitepaper. Looks unprofessional. Result: No action.
eBTGold (BT): Not very popular (11 pages). No exchange or Whitepaper. Looks unprofessional. Result: No action.
iEthereum (BT): Doesn’t pay out until 14 November (‘becouse [sic] of spammers’). Doesn’t look very professional. No exchanges listed or pending, no Whitepaper. Result: Undecided.
YajuCoin (BT): Not very popular (13 pages). Has exchange (CoinsMarkets) but no Whitepaper. Looks unprofessional. You need to download special wallet Result: No action.
Ethernem (BT): Airdrop on 25 November – will return to this one.
POStoken (BT): Looks popular (BT is up to 200 pages). Has exchange (EtherDelta) and Whitepaper. Result: Registered.
eReal: Currently only for Brazilians.
eBit (BT): Reasonably popular (BT is up to 80 pages). Has exchange (EtherDelta) but no Whitepaper. Result: Registered.
Marvel Coin (BT): Reasonably popular (BT is up to 60 pages). Has no exchange or Whitepaper. Lots of spelling mistakes and I suspect there has been no licensing of Marvel imagery. However, registering is easy so there’s little to lose. Result: Registered.
CoinsMet (BT): Not very popular (12 pages). No exchange or Whitepaper. Need to follow on social media to get airdrop. Result: No action.
FujiCoin: Requires joining Bittrex Slack Team. Result: No action.
eDOGE (BT): Fairly popular (24 pages). Has exchange (EtherDelta) but no Whitepaper or website. Easy to join. Result: Registered. Update 21 October: it now looks like a scam.
Ethereum Cash (BT): Reasonably popular (BT is up to 70 pages). Has exchange (EtherDelta) but no Whitepaper. Multiple airdrops with very small time window to claim. Result: Tried to claim but failed.
Ethereum Blue (BT): Evidence of this airdrop, and even the coin, appears to have been deleted.
Botacoin/Adbota (BT): Fairly popular (25 pages). No exchange or Whitepaper but have website and a roadmap. Result: Registered.
ILS Coin (BT): Fairly popular (19 pages). No exchange, Whitepaper or website. Result: No action.
BTCMoon (BT): Airdrop closed.
iBTC (BT): Airdrop closed.
Evolution DASH (BT): Fairly popular (37 pages). No exchange, Whitepaper or website. Easy to join. Result: Registered.
LitecoinStake (BT): Fairly popular (50 pages). Has exchange (CoinsMarkets) but no Whitepaper. Requires downloading and installing a special wallet, and airdrop has low value (about £1). Result: no action.
MyCash (BT): Fairly popular (38 pages). Has Waves exchange but no market exchange, website or Whitepaper. Requires downloading and installing Result: Undecided. Update 21 October: Missed airdrop.
BitcoinG on Waves (BT): Reasonably popular (BT is up to 80 pages). Has Waves exchange but no market exchange, website or Whitepaper. Requires downloading and installing Result: Undecided. Update 21 October: Looks dubious, no action.
Great post!
I’m hoping you’ll do this every month?
I’d like to though it turned out to be a lot of work. I appreciate the feedback – maybe I will make it a regular thing.
Yeah I bet. I had come to pretty much the same conclusion on most of these before reading, so it was good to see that I hadn’t missed anything.
My only real difference is that i’m 100% out if an airdrop requires a download of a separate wallet – Sure, I might miss out a genuinely good airdrop sometimes, but I also miss out on all the viruses! 🙂
Keep up the good work. Feel free to drop me an email if you want a hand?
Sure thing – I’ve just started this site and am feeling my way, but have big plans!