I’ve been asked if I think Gunbot is a scam and can generate 1% returns per day – here are my initial comments.

I own Gunbot and I’m pretty happy with it. You have to understand how it works though – basically it buys altcoins that are significantly below their average price then waits until they’ve gone up about 2% then sells them. After fees you’ve made 1%. It does that pretty well.
However, there can be days when no altcoins do that so you get nothing. And now and again the altcoin will keep going down so you can be left with a ‘bag’ of an altcoin you didn’t want. In most cases for me, the price has gone back up and the profit has been made – but that 1% maybe took a month to achieve.
So it works, it does what it says on the tin, but it’s small and steady gains rather than a moneymaking machine. Having said that, if you have quite a lot of BTC then 1% is significant – my Gunbot paid for itself in about 2 weeks.
I run mine on a free Amazon VPS because it needs to run 24/7.
It’s possible to get GunBot lot cheaper than official – for just 0.04 BTC, with lots of nice bonuses included:
All exchanges enabled
Sjakil’s GUI bundled for free (original price is 0.035 BTC+);
MarketTrender bundled for free (original price is 0.035 BTC)
CoinTracker bundled for free (original price is 0.035 BTC)
TradingView plugin enabled (v5+ only)
New version updates included
NobleGhost – you may be right, but I’d be wary of a scam (‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch’). I’d always go direct through the author, Gunthar, so then you know he’s going to support you and your API key.